Tuesday 10 January 2012

Twelve Years and Counting

Twelve years I have been with my husband and ten and a half of it has been married to him.  Overall they have been happy years.  Now ten years and four kids later I think back; what cracks me up is how different my life is from what I imagined it would be.  I guess I had a story book in mind, you know, they were madly in love and every minute was like their first.  They had half a dozen kids that were perfectly behaved and spoke only when they were spoken to.  Sweet children that would rather die than talk back to their hard working, loving parents.  Children that would run to the kitchen table when dinner was ready so that everyone could sit and share their day. 

Ha ha ha ha that was a very deluded fantasy.  I actually get my kicks when I see newly married couples that have the same fantasy.  They truly think their lives won’t change when they have kids.  Not only to they think it they defend it, they tell you that your life did not have to change you just didn’t want it bad enough.  I never answer these poor people because they will very quickly come to a messy crash with reality.  Your life changes, no way around it.  If you want to be a good parent then your kids needs come first and those will almost alway come in collision with your needs and wants.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind having made what some would call ‘sacrifices’.  I say some call them that because I don’t.  A sacrifice is doing something you don’t want to do for a greater good.  I don’t feel that I am doing something that doesn’t make me happy. I have gotten used to it, sleepless nights, cleaning up after throw up and poop.  Now I get joy from other things and I have come to appreciate things I always took for granted: a hot shower, time alone, time to sit and finish a cup of coffee while it is still hot, or God willing a whole nights sleep. 

I figure I will have more than enough time to do things I want when my kids are out of the house and I am suffering empty nest syndrome.  There will be much rest when I am sixty and am on bed rest because of the hip I broke while skiing.

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