Thursday 5 January 2012

New Year. Last Year?

So this year is supposed to be the end of the world, according to the Mayan Calendar.  Many people share this belief so it doesn’t matter if I don’t.  What implications does this have?  Well, the one obvious one, is that everything ceases to exist.  That would put a real damper on things wouldn’t it?  With the economic crisis being what it is; the global environmental crisis and the oil crisis one can see that even if it is not the end of the world it may very well be the end of things as we have come to know them until now. Depressing? I don’t think so but then again I am an incurable optimist.  No one knows when they are going to die. I might choke on my biscotti while I am drinking my coffee, right now while I am typing.  Maybe I have contracted a deadly virus and am dying and don’t realize that these sniffles are death knocking.  My point is that if I die life is over as I know it.  It doesn’t mean I stop trying in fact maybe this Mayan prophecy is a good thing; even if it turns out to be malarkey people may have made the time they think they have left count.   Like taking those music lessons you always wanted to, going to Tibet, talking to your mother or even telling your spouse how even though you love him/her that thing they do with their teeth gets on your last nerve.  So stop and smell the gardenia ( always preferred them to roses).  This doesn’t mean go quit your job/career but maybe it means get one that you love, if you can.  I don’t think it’s the end of the world but since you never know when the end of your world will be it’d be a good idea not to waste your time doing things you can’t stand.  On that note it may just be time to dump that guy that you’ve been with but can’t stand.

It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.  - REM

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